The mission of the Rockford Hockey Association (RHA / Rams Hockey) is centered on the continuous development of player skills. Rams Hockey has teams learning and competing at many levels including recreational, house, and Tier II travel and is proud to have developed responsible, high-quality young men and women through the years that have been successful at all competitive levels.
The Rams Hockey approach is to provide experienced coaching that can deliver advanced teaching and development, and we believe we are offering the very best coaching staff available in West Michigan.
We also have close relationships with several area high school team head coaches, leveraging their philosophies and approaches in an age-appropriate manner.
The Rockford Hockey Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization skating out of Cedar Rock Sports Plex (CRSP). The nine elected Directors of Rams Hockey work diligently to ensure families have an open line of communication, including three member-at-large Directors whose primary role is to provide a permanent communication vehicle between parents and the Board. This tight coupling ensures Rams Hockey remains focused on the development of your player.